Museums in Cervo Valley
Botto wollen mill and the Workers’ Village in Miagliano
The factory was founded in 1863 by the will of the Poma family who installed a large cotton mill here which over the years employed 2150 people.
The Poma family built, among the first in the Biella area, a workers’ village and a series of social and welfare structures that were avant-garde for the time, in addition to the manor house built on the hill called “Castellazzo” whose clock marked the rhythms of the cotton mill’s work. .
The large factory survived both world wars but was unable to update itself following the economic boom of the late 1950s, so much so that in 1958 it had to close its doors.
It seemed that the life of the factory was going to end and instead in the early 1960s the Botto brothers arrived and took over the structure and opened the Lanificio F.lli Botto.
Changes were made to adapt the factory to the new use, some buildings were demolished and new ones were built.
For years here they produced fabrics for big fashion brands such as Valentino, Dior, Max Mara and fabrics for seats and interiors of FIAT and Lancia Alfa Romeo cars but also for many foreign companies.
In the early 90s, the decision to relocate production also put an end to the second life of the textile factory.
This time, however, there were no new buyers and the facility was abandoned.
Until an English gentleman managed to set up a business that recovers indigenous wools from all over Europe.
And here the third life of the historic factory has begun.
In 2008, the Consorzio Biella The Wool Company established the Interregional Lane Collection Center.
Discover the place
Birthplace of Pietro Micca in Sagliano
Pietro Micca was born in Andorno in the canton of Sagliano on March 5, 1677.
Following the traditions of his maternal family, Pietro learned to work stone at a very young age and became a stonemason and miner in his valley.
For these abilities, at the age of 29, married for less than two years, with a son of almost one year, he was called into the army in Turin to defend the city against the French.
He sacrificed his life, undermining himself in a tunnel in 1706 and finally freeing the then Citadel of Turin from French troops.
Vittorio Amedeo II of Savoy paid the miner’s widow an annuity of two loaves a day.
Discover Pietro Micca story
Museo della Società Operaia di Mutuo Soccorso a Campiglia Cervo
Il Museo della Società Operaia di Mutuo Soccorso nasce nel 2020 su iniziativa del Comune di Campiglia Cervo, nel sontuoso salone di rappresentanza della stessa S.O.M.S.
Espone al pubblico arredamento, oggetti e documenti originali dell’istituzione che è stata il perno della socialità locale per molti decenni dalla sua fondazione nel 1871.
Con l’aiuto di moderne tecnologie vengono raccontate al visitatore le origini degli attuali scontati diritti di mutua, infortunio, previdenza ma anche istruzione e parità sociale.