A new project for the tourist development of the Piedmont mountains
MèSenté project
In the Biella Alps, this project aims to create an inclusive tourist network between mountain territories.
Our tourist consortium is active in the “MèSenté” project (“my paths” in Piedmontese dialect), financed by three Piedmontese Gal (Valli di Lanzo, Valli del Canavese and Montagne Biellesi) in cooperation with Cpd (Consult for disability) and connected with the “Turismabile” initiative promoted by the Piedmont Region.
The aim of the project is to create an inclusive tourist network dedicated to welcoming people with disabilities of all kinds.
The project started with training operators on communication so as to communicate the mountain experience to future users in the best possible way.
It will continue with the modernization of the structures participating in the project, which will be configured so as not to present obstacles for guests, thus achieving 360-degree inclusion.
Mèsenté distinguishes an inclusive territory, accessible to all, where culture, sport and entertainment know no limitations.