Beer In Brewery

BEER IN is a project born in 2011 from the most remote underground in one of the most mountainous towns in the Biella province. Since 2015 the new 10hl plant and the fascinating wing of a former spinning mill have been the container for the second act of the brewery.

The concept of “Beer to drink” and “Beer for all” is certainly at the basis of the productions: the styles produced, taken up and reinterpreted, come from that classicism imported from the nations that have always produced beer.

Tradition yes, but not only that, even going as far as experimenting with beers produced with 100% indigenous Italian hop varieties and spontaneously fermented Italian Grape Ale.

BEER IN takes up tradition but the gaze is always turned to today and tomorrow.

Over the years, Beer In has won several awards in the “Beer of the Year” competition, the most important beer competition in our country.

At the brewery TAPROOM is open from Thursday to Saturday from 5pm to midnight
It offers cuisine with their stuffed potatoes, cutting boards, aperitif dishes and obviously various types of beers suitable for aperitifs, as well as platters with other types of beers> >LINK Google Maps

You can also enjoy the wide range of Beer In beers in the restaurant
Via Orfanotrofio, 23, 13900 Biella – BI
a very welcoming place and an excellent meeting point for both lunch and dinner.
> LINK Google Maps



Birrificio Beer In
Frazione Chiesa, 31
Portula (BI)

Aperto su appuntamento.
Degustazioni di birre il primo venerdì di ogni mese.

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